Neji: (Looking at the byakugan) Naruto damn. Not only was my order has been violated, but he also caught.
Still see the byakugan, Neji shion see crawling in a narrow space.
Neji: Miko was the waterfall behind the temple. I will take him.
Lee and Sakura attack
Gitai: Close
The exit is closed
Setsuna: who have left from him?
Suddenly attacked Lee and Sakura.
Neji prevent Kusuna
Shion Taruho tote. They arrive in the waterfall. Neji meet them.
Sakura and Lee are the three criminals.
Neji Kusuna prevents the capture will shion.
Kusuna: You're the man of ya?
Gitai: I went
The three criminals go
Sakura: Wait
Sakura and Lee pursue.
Gitai: Nii san, I want more chakra
Shizuku: We use a lot of chakra Searched for combo.
Setsuna: Okay. Gitai, search Kusuna
Gitai: Okay. Through here.
Neji: Hakke kushou
Kusuna exposed to attack Neji ago went. He met with three relatives.
Gitai: Nii san
Shizuku: Tell us more chakra
Kusuna: Good.
Sakura and lee arrived there. Four criminals to avoid
Shizuku: small dammit! They never let us get our transfusion.
Setsuna: We can not fight if they run out of chakra.
Kusuna: Okay. We run first.
They blurred. Lee and Sakura do not pursue.
Neji: Do not worry. We gakure of Konoha no Sato.
Taruho: Konoha
Shion remember about Naruto.
Shion: That ..
Taruho: What .... Shion the same?
Shion: ... He tried to rise again.
Taruho and the team in front of Neji
Taruho: At this time you faced with a Miko Oni no kuni. Shion same.
Team 7 introduce themselves
Neji: I taicho of the team 7 Konoha, Hyuuga Neji.
Lee: I am Rock Lee
Sakura: I am Haruno Sakura
Naruto: I am Uzumaki Naruto.
Neji: We will guard you to the temple where fuin, shion same.
Taruho: There is a disaster due to a night attack. Suzuki is one of the victims. As predicted by shion same.
Shion: Absolutely. You see yourself right? I am not injured. I believe that it is the desire of victims actually
Naruto: Wait first.
Naruto jump to the shion shirt and bell to be separated.
Naruto: The people that died for you. Why you may be so.
Sakura: Naruto shut up.
Shion attention to face Naruto
Neji: Sit.
Shion attention to face Naruto
Naruto: What? Is there something in your face.
Shion: You will die.
Naruto: What your say? I never once heard. Say, with more hard.
Shion: You ....
Naruto: What? Why we must protect him?
Taruho: Please excuse her. Shion same will sometimes predict the death of someone like that.
Naruto: predict
Taruho: But it goes without question that worried.
Naruto: Oh. So often fumble.
Taruho: Not really.
Naruto: What I said. Regardless heard the forecast as it ... what? Overall? Mean everything is really happening?
Naruto did not believe the forecast
Taruho: True
Naruto: And you say to me it goes without fear.
Taruho: Anxious that disposes waste of time only.
Lee: That's not too calm.
Sakura: Is not it good Naruto. You will die soon. That may cure.
Naruto: Sakura chan. I do not believe in the forecast. Iota! I will become Hokage. I refuse to die before that.
Kakashi troops attempted trap stone
Kakashi troops attempted trap stone
Troops passing through a stone crevice. At the top of the rift has installed hundreds of kunai with paper bombs. Bomb was exploded and stones to override the troops under the stone. Appear Kakashi, Anko, Iruka, Gai and Tenten consider what will happen. However, troops did not rock like nothing happened.
Hokage (narrative): Some of the time, the Konoha Shinobi troops have tried to stone. But all the attacks futile, and they continue their journey to the temple where fuin. It seems the only way is to stop them fuin no jutsu shion, Miko Oni no Kuni.
Taruho standing in front of the troops
Taruho: We will head to the same temple shion fuin. Those who want to sacrifice his need to join us. Do you understand?
Soldier: I do not go alone ... I also .. Me too.
Neji: This incompetent.
Lee: How long more must we discard the time here?
Neji: Taruho urgent to bring order to soldier so we have to wait until they finish the preparation.
Sakura: Even so, we must be quick.
Naruto the harness assembly created.
Naruto: See this. Do not care as much as any sharp objects that override will not be able.
Neji: Naruto. Fear because the forecast incompetent Miko is very foolish.
Naruto: Who is afraid? You like fear that I will die. So I use this so that you do not worry anymore.
Sakura: We do not have time when the world is being worn.
Lee: Naruto kun, we should focus on more important under guard from ourselves.
Naruto: I know. Then I will change their forecast and to save the world while you wear this.
Shion: You can not change the prognosis.
Naruto: You’re..
Shion I can a new vision. Head will be cut.
Naruto: cut.
Naruto ago revise harness created.
Naruto: What if so?
Shion: Once the course until you die ... Shinobi, we are leaving now.
Naruto: This road is clogged
Shion: This is the waterfall where I should clean itself as a Miko. There are paths behind.
Neji: What you are sure to leave behind Taruho like this.
Shion I Miko is this nation. I can leave if I want to follow you.
Naruto ran on the tree. Sakura tote shion
Shion: You're less comfortable. You should try to make your body more "female"
Sakura: Shannaro!
Someone threw bow arrow. Naruto stop
Naruto: Who is ... Taruho nii chan
Shion: What does all this mean?
Taruho: This task for protect you over time, shion same.
Shion: You're the only. Go back to the village.
Taruho: No
Shion: return.
Taruho: No
Shion, I must say to you then you have to go back again.
Taruho serve shion
Naruto ran back in the mountains. Taruho ran behind.
Night. Naruto are resting.
Neji: No sign of the enemy. We will spend the night here.
Naruto: we are not in a hurry.
Lee: We can only continue to run if there is only us.
Sakura: They are both very tired.
Shion I adequately.
Taruho: shion same. Do fuin no jutsu is a strength test. Please rest this evening.
Shion the lofty
Shion I am hungry. I bring food.
Naruto: from minute to minute, he was the only lofty.
Shion discard food bowl.
Shion: Sup this cold. I can not eat this and that.
Naruto: (whisper) And I like that once
Sakura: (whisper) I also
Taruho: sorry as big. Flame will inform our position on the enemy.
Shion I want to sleep.
Toharu do not want to go back
Shion get my vision back. He sprawl. Bloody mouth. Shion awakened. Neji guard. Naruto Taruho approach.
Naruto: Hey. We will be running all day again tomorrow. Body will be damaged if you do not eat.
Naruto provided food on Taruho.
Taruho: Thank you very much.
Naruto: Uhh .... Prediction about it ....
Taruho: shion only able to predict the death of those who attend and be close.
Shion sleep
Naruto: Can be prevented if the forecast is known how it happens?
Taruho: No. However you try. When destiny decided, so can not be changed again. And shion same will died when one of their destiny and try to avoid trying to save themselves. Take a long time, people in the village, people began to fear if they appear in the same vision shion. Even people who have tried.
Naruto: So.
Naruto remind the child that the person be excommunicated.
Naruto: He certainly lonely. Surely that is why he was so uppity.
Taruho: True your say.
Naruto: You're not a problem with that, Taruho nii chan.
Taruho: Mother shion same first treat people from my clan. I am sure everyone will be a real sacrifice in order to protect the same shion. Fate we can not be changed and we still feel the same.
The sun began to appear.
Naruto: Okay. Scat, Taruho nii chan.
Shion has been there behind Naruto
Naruto: He was so so because the child. I must try to be friendlier to it.
Naruto: Good morning
Shion remove face.
Shion: Taruho
Taruho: Yes
Shion: You have enough. Go back to the village.
Taruho: I can not be separated from your side. Shion same.
Shion: You're the only.
Naruto: this person once lofty.
Naruto: stop the play. Do you understand how Taruho of nii chan in protect you?
Taruho: You get the vision again ya? I can feel. Please say that actually.
Shion: When my heart faster clock and I heard a voice, I see the future. Last night I heard the bell sound and see the before. If you continue the journey with me, Taruho, you will die.
They jump over the steep rocks
Shion: Stop ... It's dangerous ... ... I want to fall. Lower down I ... I.
Neji stop. Down from sakura shion
Shion: What you really want to protect? Kan is the other way.
Lee: What we need to change the route?
Neji: No. This route is a lot of water. Although no kuni for NUMA. Jutsu combo main opponent is a Katon jutsu.
Lee: It is true also. If Katon jutsu attack. We can exploit the situation.
Neji: shion same. We have been close to the temple. Please forward a little. With this mission, we do not get caught up to the enemy that attacked first. We must focus on defense and the decision to avoid haste. This also applies for Naruto.
Naruto: Yes I know we are in a hurry.
Shion: friends this is stupid?
Sakura: Yes.
Neji: What?
From the river in the distance, the water dragon appears.
Neji: Naga water?
Lee: Large also.
Shion: They attacked us with suiton not Katon. You're really wrong.
Sakura: That's not important anymore. Avoid.
Shizuku dragon controls water
Lee: Towards a high place.
Water dragon is not about them
Shizuku: I guess you have been looking up at the cliffs.
Neji climbing cliffs in the valley to come up.
Neji: We do not know where the enemy will attack. Protect shion dono.
Shion: How can water surrounded benefit for us. Honest I was thinking that looks very convincing Neji. I am wrong.
Neji: The dragon who controls the water near certainty. Byakugan ... ... ... meet. There are two in the top of the hill. Oh. I am sure he is chakra elements Katon when we attack the Oni no kuni. It is not surprising that the elements for jounin ganda. But I certainly did not detect the existence of elements in suiton dots chakra.
Lee, Naruto avoid shion
Lee, Naruto avoid shion
Neji, shion, Sakura
Naruto: That's him. At the top of the hill right?
Neji: Stop. Do not leave this place.
Naruto: Why? He who controls the water dragon huh? I will go.
Lee: Wait for Naruto. We can not leave Naruto alone. I will go also.
Neji: Lee. Both the man.
Sakura: We expect them.
Shion: Gejimayu and gawk that.
Kusuna and Setsuna
Kusuna: They have to move.
Setsuna: This makes us more easily.
Gitai: They come
Shizuku: It seems so. You're the opponent is taijutsu. I will face the orange using kage bunshin. Understand?
Gitai: We'll tell them to eternity.
Naruto: That he
Neji: That he came
Naga eventually to the water near Neji.
Naruto attack Shizuku. Shizuku avoid. Naruto attack on a stone.
Water dragon suddenly disappeared
Sakura: Jutsu disappear? Means Naruto and Lee ...
Lee followed Naruto.
Lee: Naruto kun. What's this?
Gitai: I am. I want to know how strong you’re hit.
Neji put shion
Neji: shion same
Shion: What?
Neji put his finger on the brow and shion fainting.
Neji: When Naruto and lee attack them. We must immediately leave this valley.
Shizuku slide on the ground
Shizuku: Setsuna doing weird horse
Shizuku: Suiton mizu kamikiri
Ground water from the Naruto show. Naruto ran to the forest and chase Shizuku
Shizuku: How to use forests and stone as a support? I love when people began to neglect.
Setsuna continues to attack with the sharpness of the water that can cleave stone. Naruto ran in the top of the tree
mizu kamikiri split stone and tree
Shizuku: Now you think can get away with running on the tree? That's even better.
Shizuku air assault attack trees and split tree.
Naruto: shit ... Taju kage no jutsu bunshin.
Suiton suiryuuben deracinate kage bunshin
Suiton suiryuuben deracinate kage bunshin
Shizuku: Suiton suiryuuben
Shizuku make big ball of water. Of the ball and remove the water-bearing water bearing bunshin spent Naruto.
Lee attacked Gitai
Gitai jump. Lee also jump
Lee: Konoha dai senpuu
Gitai: Doton, kouka jutsu
Gitai Lee kicks to drop to the bottom.
Omote renge
Lee: You're finished!
Gitai Lee kicking in a sprawling stone but Gitai not does anything.
Gitai: This is a race of children. You have to be more serious.
Gitai hands swell, harden ago lee sweep and beat off to far.
Gitai attack
Lee eschew
Gitai: What is so serious?
Gitai hold hands with the beat lee stone. Lee eschews.
Lee: extraordinary strength. But I can not lose. Omote renge.
Gitai Lee to kick off in the air. Then the roller and play with the head facing downward.
Gitai a giant stone
Gitai: This is boring. It seems you really can not do ninjutsu?
Gitai turns to the giant stone.
Gitai: taijutsu. You think that can beat me?
Lee: What you mean my taijutsu no effect whatsoever?
Gitai: I do not know who teacher. The loser would also ya?
Lee off the wrong attack Gitai
Lee: I do not care. But insult Gai sensei ... can not be pardoned. Gai sensei. Excuse me. But I have to use that jutsu to meet mu road as a ninja. Gates to three. Seimon. Kai. To four. Shoumon. Kai.
Lee fisticuff Gitai. Stone destroyed Gitai. Gitai after Lee hit a gate to four. Gitai cracked body.
Gitai: What?
Lee: This has not been completed. Gates to five. Tomon. Kai.
Lee beat Gitai. Up to a small explosion occurred.
Gitai: That's cool too. You become strong in a flash. But I also still have not issued. Gitai escape the stones which have been destroyed by the body. A serpent appears to run under the skin out Gitai ago. Gitai captures snakes. Gitai snake and squeeze the liquid from the snake's body.
Gitai: Strengths are flowing in my body.
Light purple go to the air.
Lee: What is?
Setsuna: Si is foolish. His drink cakra.
Kusuna: Hurry up
Setsuna: Yes.
Gitai became like a giant spider. Gitai changed. Gitai drink liquid snake
Lee: He changed again.
Gitai: Taste this!
Neji, Sakura and the tote shion ran on the tree. They attack the wind shuriken.
Neji: One of the enemies that appear in the Oni no kuni.
Sakura: Neji san.
Setsuna attacks with shuriken fuuton
Neji: Go
Sakura: Okay
Sakura Neji leaves.
Neji: You will not move much further. He can control the chakra fuuton free. In five directions at once.
Neji: Hakkeshou kaiten
Neji repudiate all wind shuriken.
Setsuna: Great once. But how long will last your chakra.

Still see the byakugan, Neji shion see crawling in a narrow space.
Neji: Miko was the waterfall behind the temple. I will take him.
Lee and Sakura attack
Gitai: Close
The exit is closed
Setsuna: who have left from him?
Suddenly attacked Lee and Sakura.
Neji prevent Kusuna
Shion Taruho tote. They arrive in the waterfall. Neji meet them.
Sakura and Lee are the three criminals.
Neji Kusuna prevents the capture will shion.
Kusuna: You're the man of ya?
Gitai: I went
The three criminals go
Sakura: Wait
Sakura and Lee pursue.
Gitai: Nii san, I want more chakra
Shizuku: We use a lot of chakra Searched for combo.
Setsuna: Okay. Gitai, search Kusuna
Gitai: Okay. Through here.
Neji: Hakke kushou
Kusuna exposed to attack Neji ago went. He met with three relatives.
Gitai: Nii san
Shizuku: Tell us more chakra
Kusuna: Good.
Sakura and lee arrived there. Four criminals to avoid
Shizuku: small dammit! They never let us get our transfusion.
Setsuna: We can not fight if they run out of chakra.
Kusuna: Okay. We run first.
They blurred. Lee and Sakura do not pursue.
Neji: Do not worry. We gakure of Konoha no Sato.
Taruho: Konoha
Shion remember about Naruto.
Shion: That ..
Taruho: What .... Shion the same?
Shion: ... He tried to rise again.
Taruho and the team in front of Neji
Taruho: At this time you faced with a Miko Oni no kuni. Shion same.
Team 7 introduce themselves
Neji: I taicho of the team 7 Konoha, Hyuuga Neji.
Lee: I am Rock Lee
Sakura: I am Haruno Sakura
Naruto: I am Uzumaki Naruto.
Neji: We will guard you to the temple where fuin, shion same.
Taruho: There is a disaster due to a night attack. Suzuki is one of the victims. As predicted by shion same.
Shion: Absolutely. You see yourself right? I am not injured. I believe that it is the desire of victims actually
Naruto: Wait first.
Naruto jump to the shion shirt and bell to be separated.
Naruto: The people that died for you. Why you may be so.
Sakura: Naruto shut up.
Shion attention to face Naruto
Neji: Sit.
Shion attention to face Naruto
Naruto: What? Is there something in your face.
Shion: You will die.
Naruto: What your say? I never once heard. Say, with more hard.
Shion: You ....
Naruto: What? Why we must protect him?
Taruho: Please excuse her. Shion same will sometimes predict the death of someone like that.
Naruto: predict
Taruho: But it goes without question that worried.
Naruto: Oh. So often fumble.
Taruho: Not really.
Naruto: What I said. Regardless heard the forecast as it ... what? Overall? Mean everything is really happening?
Naruto did not believe the forecast
Taruho: True
Naruto: And you say to me it goes without fear.
Taruho: Anxious that disposes waste of time only.
Lee: That's not too calm.
Sakura: Is not it good Naruto. You will die soon. That may cure.
Naruto: Sakura chan. I do not believe in the forecast. Iota! I will become Hokage. I refuse to die before that.
Kakashi troops attempted trap stone
Kakashi troops attempted trap stone
Troops passing through a stone crevice. At the top of the rift has installed hundreds of kunai with paper bombs. Bomb was exploded and stones to override the troops under the stone. Appear Kakashi, Anko, Iruka, Gai and Tenten consider what will happen. However, troops did not rock like nothing happened.
Hokage (narrative): Some of the time, the Konoha Shinobi troops have tried to stone. But all the attacks futile, and they continue their journey to the temple where fuin. It seems the only way is to stop them fuin no jutsu shion, Miko Oni no Kuni.
Taruho standing in front of the troops
Taruho: We will head to the same temple shion fuin. Those who want to sacrifice his need to join us. Do you understand?
Soldier: I do not go alone ... I also .. Me too.
Neji: This incompetent.
Lee: How long more must we discard the time here?
Neji: Taruho urgent to bring order to soldier so we have to wait until they finish the preparation.
Sakura: Even so, we must be quick.
Naruto the harness assembly created.
Naruto: See this. Do not care as much as any sharp objects that override will not be able.
Neji: Naruto. Fear because the forecast incompetent Miko is very foolish.
Naruto: Who is afraid? You like fear that I will die. So I use this so that you do not worry anymore.
Sakura: We do not have time when the world is being worn.
Lee: Naruto kun, we should focus on more important under guard from ourselves.
Naruto: I know. Then I will change their forecast and to save the world while you wear this.
Shion: You can not change the prognosis.
Naruto: You’re..
Shion I can a new vision. Head will be cut.
Naruto: cut.
Naruto ago revise harness created.
Naruto: What if so?
Shion: Once the course until you die ... Shinobi, we are leaving now.
Naruto: This road is clogged
Shion: This is the waterfall where I should clean itself as a Miko. There are paths behind.
Neji: What you are sure to leave behind Taruho like this.
Shion I Miko is this nation. I can leave if I want to follow you.
Naruto ran on the tree. Sakura tote shion
Shion: You're less comfortable. You should try to make your body more "female"
Sakura: Shannaro!
Someone threw bow arrow. Naruto stop
Naruto: Who is ... Taruho nii chan
Shion: What does all this mean?
Taruho: This task for protect you over time, shion same.
Shion: You're the only. Go back to the village.
Taruho: No
Shion: return.
Taruho: No
Shion, I must say to you then you have to go back again.
Taruho serve shion
Naruto ran back in the mountains. Taruho ran behind.
Night. Naruto are resting.
Neji: No sign of the enemy. We will spend the night here.
Naruto: we are not in a hurry.
Lee: We can only continue to run if there is only us.
Sakura: They are both very tired.
Shion I adequately.
Taruho: shion same. Do fuin no jutsu is a strength test. Please rest this evening.
Shion the lofty
Shion I am hungry. I bring food.
Naruto: from minute to minute, he was the only lofty.
Shion discard food bowl.
Shion: Sup this cold. I can not eat this and that.
Naruto: (whisper) And I like that once
Sakura: (whisper) I also
Taruho: sorry as big. Flame will inform our position on the enemy.
Shion I want to sleep.
Toharu do not want to go back
Shion get my vision back. He sprawl. Bloody mouth. Shion awakened. Neji guard. Naruto Taruho approach.
Naruto: Hey. We will be running all day again tomorrow. Body will be damaged if you do not eat.
Naruto provided food on Taruho.
Taruho: Thank you very much.
Naruto: Uhh .... Prediction about it ....
Taruho: shion only able to predict the death of those who attend and be close.
Shion sleep
Naruto: Can be prevented if the forecast is known how it happens?
Taruho: No. However you try. When destiny decided, so can not be changed again. And shion same will died when one of their destiny and try to avoid trying to save themselves. Take a long time, people in the village, people began to fear if they appear in the same vision shion. Even people who have tried.
Naruto: So.
Naruto remind the child that the person be excommunicated.
Naruto: He certainly lonely. Surely that is why he was so uppity.
Taruho: True your say.
Naruto: You're not a problem with that, Taruho nii chan.
Taruho: Mother shion same first treat people from my clan. I am sure everyone will be a real sacrifice in order to protect the same shion. Fate we can not be changed and we still feel the same.
The sun began to appear.
Naruto: Okay. Scat, Taruho nii chan.
Shion has been there behind Naruto
Naruto: He was so so because the child. I must try to be friendlier to it.
Naruto: Good morning
Shion remove face.
Shion: Taruho
Taruho: Yes
Shion: You have enough. Go back to the village.
Taruho: I can not be separated from your side. Shion same.
Shion: You're the only.
Naruto: this person once lofty.
Naruto: stop the play. Do you understand how Taruho of nii chan in protect you?
Taruho: You get the vision again ya? I can feel. Please say that actually.
Shion: When my heart faster clock and I heard a voice, I see the future. Last night I heard the bell sound and see the before. If you continue the journey with me, Taruho, you will die.
They jump over the steep rocks
Shion: Stop ... It's dangerous ... ... I want to fall. Lower down I ... I.
Neji stop. Down from sakura shion
Shion: What you really want to protect? Kan is the other way.
Lee: What we need to change the route?
Neji: No. This route is a lot of water. Although no kuni for NUMA. Jutsu combo main opponent is a Katon jutsu.
Lee: It is true also. If Katon jutsu attack. We can exploit the situation.
Neji: shion same. We have been close to the temple. Please forward a little. With this mission, we do not get caught up to the enemy that attacked first. We must focus on defense and the decision to avoid haste. This also applies for Naruto.
Naruto: Yes I know we are in a hurry.
Shion: friends this is stupid?
Sakura: Yes.
Neji: What?
From the river in the distance, the water dragon appears.
Neji: Naga water?
Lee: Large also.
Shion: They attacked us with suiton not Katon. You're really wrong.
Sakura: That's not important anymore. Avoid.
Shizuku dragon controls water
Lee: Towards a high place.
Water dragon is not about them
Shizuku: I guess you have been looking up at the cliffs.
Neji climbing cliffs in the valley to come up.
Neji: We do not know where the enemy will attack. Protect shion dono.
Shion: How can water surrounded benefit for us. Honest I was thinking that looks very convincing Neji. I am wrong.
Neji: The dragon who controls the water near certainty. Byakugan ... ... ... meet. There are two in the top of the hill. Oh. I am sure he is chakra elements Katon when we attack the Oni no kuni. It is not surprising that the elements for jounin ganda. But I certainly did not detect the existence of elements in suiton dots chakra.
Lee, Naruto avoid shion
Lee, Naruto avoid shion
Neji, shion, Sakura
Naruto: That's him. At the top of the hill right?
Neji: Stop. Do not leave this place.
Naruto: Why? He who controls the water dragon huh? I will go.
Lee: Wait for Naruto. We can not leave Naruto alone. I will go also.
Neji: Lee. Both the man.
Sakura: We expect them.
Shion: Gejimayu and gawk that.
Kusuna and Setsuna
Kusuna: They have to move.
Setsuna: This makes us more easily.
Gitai: They come
Shizuku: It seems so. You're the opponent is taijutsu. I will face the orange using kage bunshin. Understand?
Gitai: We'll tell them to eternity.
Naruto: That he
Neji: That he came
Naga eventually to the water near Neji.
Naruto attack Shizuku. Shizuku avoid. Naruto attack on a stone.
Water dragon suddenly disappeared
Sakura: Jutsu disappear? Means Naruto and Lee ...
Lee followed Naruto.
Lee: Naruto kun. What's this?
Gitai: I am. I want to know how strong you’re hit.
Neji put shion
Neji: shion same
Shion: What?
Neji put his finger on the brow and shion fainting.
Neji: When Naruto and lee attack them. We must immediately leave this valley.
Shizuku slide on the ground
Shizuku: Setsuna doing weird horse
Shizuku: Suiton mizu kamikiri
Ground water from the Naruto show. Naruto ran to the forest and chase Shizuku
Shizuku: How to use forests and stone as a support? I love when people began to neglect.
Setsuna continues to attack with the sharpness of the water that can cleave stone. Naruto ran in the top of the tree
mizu kamikiri split stone and tree
Shizuku: Now you think can get away with running on the tree? That's even better.
Shizuku air assault attack trees and split tree.
Naruto: shit ... Taju kage no jutsu bunshin.
Suiton suiryuuben deracinate kage bunshin
Suiton suiryuuben deracinate kage bunshin
Shizuku: Suiton suiryuuben
Shizuku make big ball of water. Of the ball and remove the water-bearing water bearing bunshin spent Naruto.
Lee attacked Gitai
Gitai jump. Lee also jump
Lee: Konoha dai senpuu
Gitai: Doton, kouka jutsu
Gitai Lee kicks to drop to the bottom.
Omote renge
Lee: You're finished!
Gitai Lee kicking in a sprawling stone but Gitai not does anything.
Gitai: This is a race of children. You have to be more serious.
Gitai hands swell, harden ago lee sweep and beat off to far.
Gitai attack
Lee eschew
Gitai: What is so serious?
Gitai hold hands with the beat lee stone. Lee eschews.
Lee: extraordinary strength. But I can not lose. Omote renge.
Gitai Lee to kick off in the air. Then the roller and play with the head facing downward.
Gitai a giant stone
Gitai: This is boring. It seems you really can not do ninjutsu?
Gitai turns to the giant stone.
Gitai: taijutsu. You think that can beat me?
Lee: What you mean my taijutsu no effect whatsoever?
Gitai: I do not know who teacher. The loser would also ya?
Lee off the wrong attack Gitai
Lee: I do not care. But insult Gai sensei ... can not be pardoned. Gai sensei. Excuse me. But I have to use that jutsu to meet mu road as a ninja. Gates to three. Seimon. Kai. To four. Shoumon. Kai.
Lee fisticuff Gitai. Stone destroyed Gitai. Gitai after Lee hit a gate to four. Gitai cracked body.
Gitai: What?
Lee: This has not been completed. Gates to five. Tomon. Kai.
Lee beat Gitai. Up to a small explosion occurred.
Gitai: That's cool too. You become strong in a flash. But I also still have not issued. Gitai escape the stones which have been destroyed by the body. A serpent appears to run under the skin out Gitai ago. Gitai captures snakes. Gitai snake and squeeze the liquid from the snake's body.
Gitai: Strengths are flowing in my body.
Light purple go to the air.
Lee: What is?
Setsuna: Si is foolish. His drink cakra.
Kusuna: Hurry up
Setsuna: Yes.
Gitai became like a giant spider. Gitai changed. Gitai drink liquid snake
Lee: He changed again.
Gitai: Taste this!
Neji, Sakura and the tote shion ran on the tree. They attack the wind shuriken.
Neji: One of the enemies that appear in the Oni no kuni.
Sakura: Neji san.
Setsuna attacks with shuriken fuuton
Neji: Go
Sakura: Okay
Sakura Neji leaves.
Neji: You will not move much further. He can control the chakra fuuton free. In five directions at once.
Neji: Hakkeshou kaiten
Neji repudiate all wind shuriken.
Setsuna: Great once. But how long will last your chakra.

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